880 Days
Thats how long I've worked here. 880 days* and then I'm gone.
No more making life taste great. No more hassle about repeating the most obvious things to people umpteen number of times.
8th June 2005. Thats when I am free from this particular sentence.
Where next? Who knows....
*Well near to 880 days anyway, if not more due to late late hours!
No more making life taste great. No more hassle about repeating the most obvious things to people umpteen number of times.
8th June 2005. Thats when I am free from this particular sentence.
Where next? Who knows....
*Well near to 880 days anyway, if not more due to late late hours!
tell me you havent finally pulled your finger out and resigned?!?? ;)
As for moving on, well I'm looking for ideas if you've got any.